Sell Your Items With Us

Sell those tanks and silos you’re no longer needing with us! is your marketplace for silos, tanks, and other items used in the manufacturing and storage fields. Our listings are throughout the US and separated by region so you can find what you are looking for close to where you’re located. While we are not responsible for the accuracy of any listing posted, we strive to have accurate and honest listings in the marketplace to better connect buyers with sellers and keep projects moving forward. In the future we hope to launch a newsletter to notify you of new items that may be of interest.

How it works:

  • Fill out the form below for each item that you would like to list. Please include as much information as possible that we can include in your listing. This may include identification tags, dimensions, condition (new/used), history (what the item was previously used for), cleaned status, and more. We will email you requesting photos of each item and will let you know once we have your item listed.
  • The product inquiry button on the item listing will notify us of someone that is interested in your item. We’ll forward their contact information to you, and you take it from there. It’ll be up to you and the buyer to complete the sale and schedule transportation.
  • Please let us know as soon as your item is sold so that we can remove it from our shop. This will help keep our marketplace current with only available items!

Currently listings will be posted for 90 days before they are removed to keep the catalog current of only available products. You may contact us close to the 90 days to have it extended without the need to do a resubmission.

Sell your item with us: